September 9, 2012
Curator: Laura Mott
Galleri Rotor, The Valand School of Fine Arts
Gothenburg, Sweden
Magnus Bärtås in collaboration with Petra Bauer, Kajsa Dahlberg, Sara Lundén, Matti Kallioinen and Karolina Pahlén, Marcelline Delbecq, Christian Jankowski, Sara Jorenö, Tova Mozard, Lisa Tan, Richard T. Walker, and found sculptural busts.
The exhibition is a collection of works in which the artist has a taken an existing protagonist – cinematic/literary trope or real person – and placed them in a new context of their own devising. The title of the exhibition, Stand Opposite of the Chorus, is the stage direction given to the protagonist in Greek tragedies for their position in relation to the chorus (their narrator) and the audience. In these works, the artists have changed the protagonist’s narrative through an alteration to the set, storyteller or audience. A new narrative takes shape along with sentiments – such as humor, tragedy, resolution, etc. – that were not a part of the original story and creates a new audience within the art context.